quinta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2017

The classmate.... II

*Luana was born in Helsink-Finland on the 31st of August 2003 so she is 14 years old. 
As she came to Brazil she got dual citizenship.
She lives with her parents, Tuija and Everaldo, and her two brothers, Lucas and Davi. They live in a big house in Jaru-Rondônia.

*She started studying at Kolping, an elementary school when she was 3. In 2010, she went to  Olga Dellaia school. In 2017 she come back to Kolping school but she decided that Olga Dellaia was the best for her.

*Luana started swimming  as a hobby and now she is a great athlete. Actually she has a lot of medals as award from different competition around the Amazon region. She is a confederated athlete at CBDA (Brazilian Aquatics Confederation).

She is a great friend. 
By: Pamella Vallentine

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